The 322 is a 15 watt planar diode designed as a modulation clipper up to 1500 MHz. Dissipation incleased to 100 watts with forced air cooling. The first example was made by GE (CAA-322) and the second by Eimac. Machlett made a version with glass insulation (ML-322). There is also confusion with the 322A made by WE which is similar to the 803 and RK28A. This planar diode was originally made for the CAA (Civil Aeronautics Adminstration) for use in ILS equipment by Eimac and the CAA prefix stuck.

Length = 2.68" Diameter = 1.25"
Max voltage = 800 piv
Max current = 100 ma average
Fil voltage = 6.3
Fil current = .95 amps         GOTO INDEX